- Jubilee Academies’ journey from inception to a prominent network of schools
- The challenge of finding the right classroom audio solution
- TWT Audio’s ERGO and DURO series address specific needs for different grade levels and SPED classrooms
- Long-term partnership and reliability of TWT Audio products
- Educational implications and broader impact of technology in classrooms

Jubilee Academies has long been dedicated to fostering educational excellence. What began as a single campus in San Antonio has blossomed into a network of eleven campuses serving thousands of students across Central and South Texas. In January 2000, the first Jubilee Academies campus was founded with 60 students in San Antonio, Texas. Jubilee Academies is proud to serve over 6,000 students, grades PreK through 12, throughout 11 different campuses. Today, Jubilee Academies charter schools are located throughout Central and South Texas, including the Rio Grande Valley, Kingsville, San Antonio, and Austin. Utilizing a class set of headphones or headsets for each student (1:1), Jubilee enhances learning with their Chromebooks.

Choosing quality headphones or headsets for classrooms compatible with Chromebooks. The headphones or headsets must:
- Resist damage, including cords being chewed on and cord tangling
- Deliver quality sound
- Be aesthetically pleasing
- Promote comfort and safety
- Be durable
- Be TELPAS compatible
- Be practical for Special Education (SPED) instruction, including specialized/targeted audible instruction
Finding a Solution That is Cool and Durable
Besides “cool,” durability is the leading factor for staff when choosing devices for classroom use with kids. Entanglements with cables have led to tangled unusable clumps of wire. Proper storage helps mitigate this problem, but kids inevitably pull on the cables instead of untangling them when this happens and thus yank cords out.
TELPAS Compatible
Jubilee Academies is a Texas charter school system. Therefore, the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) is a yearly consideration. A clear microphone is required for this pronunciation test.

Enter TWT Audio. TWT offered a custom solution to Jubilee Academies’ audio needs. The ERGO series and DURO series were deployed. The ERGO and DURO series provided unmatched comfort for older students during extended use, while the DURO series proved its resilience in younger grades. Special Education (SPED) classrooms also benefited from the DURO series’ superior noise-reducing properties to help manage overstimulation and provide continued years of testing and everyday usage. Since both DURO and ERGO headsets have external microphones, compliance with Texas’ TELPAS assessments was streamlined with this custom product mix of ERGO and DURO headsets.

- Increase in engaged learning: SPED classes saw a noticeable increase in engagement with DURO headphones and headsets due to noise-reducing abilities. Older classrooms enjoyed the comfort of ERGO headphones for longer wear.
- Decrease in product failures: This led to less cost and an increased budget for other needs. The DURO headphones held up to younger classroom(s) daily use.
- Decrease in time needed for TELPAS: Teachers can easily integrate TWT Audio products for TELPAS Testing, resulting in less testing planning, setup, and management.
- Increase in accurate TELPAS input: Produced accurate and clear results for better feedback.
Jubilee Academies has witnessed transformative results over seven years of partnership with TWT Audio. ERGO and DURO headsets have become integral to classroom learning, offering durability, comfort, and superior sound quality. It has also streamlined English Learning tests across the Jubilee system. TWT Audio’s unwavering support and reliable products have become a cornerstone of success, extending their impact beyond classrooms to shape the future of education.
Find your Solution
If you’re looking to improve your school’s learning experience, contact us today to discuss how we can help. Our team is on standby, ready to improve education and elevate your audio experience. We offer customized solutions tailored to meet your unique needs. TWT Audio can help you to create or improve your engaging and effective learning environments.